Fly Space can provide cargo handling and warehouse operations that exceed international standards because to its nearly 50 years of experience, knowledge, and success in the ground handling services sector.
We Provide
- general handling of cargo
- Special handling of cargo (DGR, PER, VAL, AVI, VUN, HEA, AOG, LAR,)
- handle express cargo
- handling domestic cargo
- Handling of Couriers
- Warehousing
- Document Management
- Volumetric and weight checks
- Communications
- Supervision
Products and Services with Value
- expedited import delivery
- Export Convey your acceptance
- Transportation Services
- Transportation Center
- Stocking Station for Envirotainers
- Pet Assistance Center: A Vital Resource
With our brand-new warehouses, we surpass worldwide standards and cutting-edge technology, we provide;
- E-freight/E-AWB IATA HHT driven barcode environment acknowledged as compliant for improved cargo traceability.
- For effective storage and retrieval of ULDs, TLX machines have automated Weight and Volume Scanners and ETV (Elevated Transfer Vehicles) with 276 cargo spots.
- Battery-operated stackers, forklifts, and reach trucks are available to create an environmentally friendly working environment.
- For effective ULD build up VNA (Very Narrow Aisle) Technology, elevated ULD built-up workstations are used.